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Faulty Iphone (functional with described defect) - Beschreibung

Faulty Iphone (functional with described defect)

Vat reverse/ standart Vat

Funcionales con defecto descrito/ functional with described defect

1 x iPhone 13 Pro Max 128GB A/B grade ( Cristal roto/ glass broken): 639€

1 x iPhone 13 Pro 128GB A/B grade ( Cristal camara roto/ cam glass broken): 599€

1 x iPhone 12 Pro Max 128GB B/C grade ( punto blanco en cámara frontal/ white dost in Front cam): 435€

3 x iPhone 12 Pro 256GB A/B grade ( problema de enfoque cam/ focus cam problem): 415€

19 x iPhone 11 Pro 64GB A/B grade (leve mota de polvo en cam/ small dust in cam): 325€

15 x iPhone 11 Pro 64GB B/C C+ grade (leve mota de polvo en cam/ small dust in cam): 295€

1 x iPhone 11 Pro 64GB A/B grade (Cristal desportillado en esquina/ chipped glass in corner): 319€

1 x iPhone 11 Pro 64GB B/C grade (Cristal desportillado en esquina/ chipped glass in corner): 299€

1 x iPhone 11 Pro 64GB A/B grade (sombra de iconos en lcd/ burn lcd): 315€

1 x iPhone 11 128GB A/B grade (Bateria en Reparacion y mota de polvo en cam/ battery low 80% and dust in cam): 235€

4 x iPhone 11 128GB B/C+ grade (battery low 80%): 269€

1 x iPhone 11 64GB B grade (copy lcd): 265€

1 x iPhone 11 64GB B grade (pequeño pixel blanco en lcd/ small white dot on lcd): 239€

1 x iPhone 8 256GB A/B grade (bateria low to 79%): 135€

1 x iPhone 8 64GB A/B grade (bateria low to 79%): 119€

1 x iPhone 8 64GB B/C grade (cristal desportillado en esquina/ Chipped glass in corner): 105€

1 x iPhone 8 64GB B/C grade (cristal desportillado en esquina/ Chipped glass in corner): 105€

2 x iPhone 8 64GB B/C grade (copy lcd): 115€

1 x iPhone 8 64GB B/C grade (mota de polvo en camara trasera/ dust in rear cam): 99€

1 x iPhone 8 64GB B/C grade (copy lcd y tapa rota/ copy lcd and back cover broken): 95€

3 x iPhone SE 2020 64GB C grade (Desportillado / chipped glass): 159€

1 x iPhone XR 64GB A/B grade (mota en cam y linea en lcd pixel/ Dust in cam and pixel line lcd): 159€

1 x iPhone XR 64GB B/C+ grade (defecto en lcd/Lcd defect): 159€

1 x iPhone XR 64GB B/C grade (Pequeños pixel blancos en lcd /small White sports on lcd): 169€

1 x iPhone XR 64GB B/C grade (mota en cam y linea en camara frontal/ Dust in cam and line in front cam): 145€

1 x iPhone XR 64GB C grade (Face ID): 149€

3 x iPhone X 64GB B/C grade (tactil/ touch): 139€

1 x iPhone XS 64GB A/B grade (leve mota de polvo en cam/ small dust in cam): 175€

1 x iPhone XS 64GB B/C+ grade (Bateria 77% and lcd copy/ battery 77% and copy lcd): 169€

3 x iPhone XS 64GB B/C+ grade (Bateria no original/ no original battery): 179€

1 x iPhone XS 64GB B/C+ grade (batería en reparación/ battery for change): 175€

1 x iPhone 8 64GB B/C grade (cristal desportillado en esquina/ Chipped glass in corner): 105€


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