Großhandel Forea Shampoo (shampooing) - 500ml Haarpflege, Haarspülung, Hygiene, Schauma, Balea
- Mindestabnahme
- 159.096,30 CHF
- Verfügbare Menge
- ohne Einschränkungen
- Land
- Deutschland
- Warengruppe
- A-Ware
- Marken
- Forea - Soap - stock - Schauma
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Großhandel Forea Shampoo (shampooing) - 500ml Haarpflege, Haarspülung, Hygiene, Schauma, Balea - Beschreibung
FOREA 7-herbs
Special silicone-free FOREA formula with 7-herb complex and provitamin B5. The HYDRO-CARE-KOMPLEX preserves the moisture balance of scalp and hair with selected active ingredients. Skin compatibility dermatologically confirmed, ph skin neutral.
FOREA for Me
Special silicone-free FOREA formula with hope extract, sea salt and provitamin B5. The HYDRO-CARE-KOMPLEX preserves the moisture balance of scalp and hair with selected active ingredients. Skin compatibility dermatologically confirmed, ph skin neutral.
FOREA Fruits & Vitamins
Special silicone-free FOREA formula with 3 fruit extracts, vitamin B3 and provitamin B5. The HYDRO-CARE-KOMPLEX preserves the moisture balance of scalp and hair with selected active ingredients. Skin compatibility dermatologically confirmed, ph skin neutral.
FOREA Repair & Care
Special silicone-free FOREA formula with coconut extract and provitamin B5. The HYDRO-CARE-KOMPLEX preserves the moisture balance of scalp and hair with selected active ingredients. Skin compatibility dermatologically confirmed, pH skin neutral.
FOREA For Kids
The mild formulation, especially for kids gently cleanses body and hair during a fruity scented experience.
We have constantly more than 3000 pallets of detergent, soap, deodorant, deo roll-ons, shower gel, body lotion, perfume, pots, dishes, food, hygiene, cosmetics and sporting goods and much more in stock, which covers 2000sqm. Just ask us for our current goods. For larger quantities, the prices are negotiable on site!
The goods are our property! We are no intermediaries!
All goods have a certificate of origin and EUR.1 certificate.
Wir haben ständig mehr als 4000 Paletten Waschmittel, Seife, Deodorant, Deo-Roller, Duschgel, Bodylotion, Parfum, Töpfe, Geschirr, Lebensmittel, Hygiene-, Kosmetik- und Sportartikel und vieles mehr auf Lager, welches 3000qm umfasst. Fragen Sie uns einfach nach unseren aktuellen Waren. Bei größeren Mengen sind die Preise vor Ort verhandelbar!
Die Waren sind unser Eigentum, wir sind keine Vermittler!
Alle Waren haben ein Ursprungszeugnis und EUR.1 Zertifikat.
-Made in Germany-
EUR.1 Zertifikat
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- Online Zahlung
- Selbstabholung
- Versand Inland
- Versand Ausland